Ooops - it's been ages since I updated..again! Sorry about that - I keep meaning to do it but something else comes along and then I forget about it.
Well what have I been up to? Not much other than the usual 'life stuff' and making beads really. It was my eldest sons 16th birthday last week - 16! I can hardly believe it. I start getting all sentimental when I think of how quickly they've grown up - I can't even bring myself to think about when they leave home!
It seems that I've been 'tagged' - thanks Veryan and Ali. Now all I need to do is find 7 people who haven't already been tagged - could be easier said than done!

I've been really enjoying my beadmaking these last couple of weeks. I've been using lots of clear glass and layers - it really gives the beads a lovely depth although it's pretty time consuming. I've also been using more red and orange - colours I wouldn't normally use but I think they add a really nice contrast to the blues in these beads. What do you think?
These are some of my new focal beads which will be in the shop sometime tomorrow. These two I call 'Water Gardens'.