I've never been a follower of trends - things tend to just pass me by most of the ti
me. Silver glass for instance. I've really only just started playing with it....I've had rods sitting in my glass stash for ages. So last week I thought I should use some of it up. Now I can see why everyone loves it so much! I'm so pleased with the beads I made - the lustres and dreamy blue-greens are gorgeous. I love this focal bead - I think it's very Mon
et looking. This set of nugget beads is made with the newest silver glass..Triton. I think I'll have to play more with this one.

This next set of beads is one of my all time favourites - something about the rich blues and greens that seem so mystical and dreamy. I'm looking forward to getting into my studio tomorrow to play some more!
Gorgous Rachel, the pillow shaped beads are very wearable.
Thanks Veryan - they are a great shape aren't they. Nice and sleek and comfortable.
Hi Rachel,
I have just tagged you, check out my blog if you want to join in Vx
Hi Rachel, Veryan has beaten me to it, I have also tagged you- if yo do decide to join in you only need to post one set of responses not two ;)
Hope you are OK,
Ali x
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